Create project in app

Template for Peer Community In (PCI) submission and Peer Community Journal (PCJ) post-recommendation upload.

The template is as close as possible to the LaTeX one.


To use this template in Typst, simply import it at the top of your document.

#import "@preview/superb-pci:0.1.0": *

Alternatively, you can start using this template from the command line with

typst init @preview/superb-pci:0.1.0 my-superb-manuscript-dir

or directly in the web app by clicking “Start from template”.

Please see the main Readme about Typst packages https://github.com/typst/packages.


This template exports the pci function with the following named arguments:

  • title: the paper title
  • authors: array of author dictionaries. Each author must have the name field, and can have the optional fields orcid, and affiliations.
  • affiliations: array of affiliation dictionaries, each with the keys id and name. All correspondence between authors and affiliations is done manually.
  • abstract: abstract of the paper as content
  • doi: DOI of the paper displayed on the front page
  • keywords: array of keywords displayed on the front page
  • correspondence: corresponding address displayed on the front page
  • numbered_sections: boolean, whether sections should be numbered
  • pcj: boolean, provides a way to remove the front page and headers/footers for upload to the Peer Community Journal. [default: false]

The template will initialize your folder with a sample call to the pci function in a show rule and dummy content as an example. If you want to change an existing project to use this template, you can add a show rule like this at the top of your file:

#import "@preview/superb-pci:0.1.0": *

#show: pci.with(
  title: [Sample for the template, with quite a very long title],
  abstract: lorem(200),
  authors: (
      name: "Antoine Lavoisier",
      orcid: "0000-0000-0000-0001",
      affiliations: "#,1"
      name: "Mary P. Curry",
      orcid: "0000-0000-0000-0001",
      affiliations: "#,2",
      name: "Peter Curry",
      affiliations: "2",
      name: "Dick Darlington",
      orcid: "0000-0000-0000-0001",
      affiliations: "1,3"
  affiliations: (
   (id: "1", name: "Rue sans aplomb, Paris, France"),
   (id: "2", name: "Center for spiced radium experiments, United Kingdom"),
   (id: "3", name: "Bruce's Bar and Grill, London (near Susan's)"),
   (id: "#", name: "Equal contributions"),
  doi: "https://doi.org/10.5802/fake.doi",
  keywords: ("Scientific writing", "Typst", "PCI", "Example"),
  correspondence: "[email protected]",
  numbered_sections: false,
  pcj: false,

// Your content goes here

You might also need to use the table_note function from the template.

To do

Some things that are not straightforward in Typst yet that need to be added in the futures:

  • [ ] line numbers
  • [ ] switch equation numbers to the left