Create project in app

This package provides a template for writing journal articles to organise authors, institutions, and information of corresponding authors.


Run the following command to use this template

typst init @preview/starter-journal-article



The template for creating journal articles. It needs the following arguments.


  • title: The title of this article. Default: "Article Title".
  • authors: A dictionary of authors. Dictionary keys are authors’ names. Dictionary values are meta data of every author, including label(s) of affiliation(s), email, contact address, or a self-defined name (to avoid name conflicts). The label(s) of affiliation(s) must be those claimed in the argument affiliations. Once the email or address exists, the author(s) will be labelled as the corresponding author(s), and their address will show in footnotes. Function author-meta() is useful in creating information for each author. Default: ("Author Name": author-meta("affiliation-label")).
  • affiliations: A dictionary of affiliation. Dictionary keys are affiliations’ labels. These labels show be constent with those used in authors’ meta data. Dictionary values are addresses of every affiliation. Default: ("affiliation-label": "Affiliation address").
  • abstract: The paper’s abstract. Default: [].
  • keywords: The paper’s keywords. Default: [].
  • bib: The bibliography. Accept value from the built-in bibliography function. Default: none.
  • template: Templates for the following parts. Please see below for more informations
    • title: (title) => {}: how to show the title of this article.
    • author-info: (authors, affiliations) => {}: how to show each author’s information.
    • abstract: (abstract, keywords) => {}: how to show the abstract and keywords.
    • bibliography: (bib) => {}: how to show the bibliography.
    • body: (body) => {}: how to show main text.


A helper to create meta information for an author.


  • ..affiliation: Capture the positioned arguments as label(s) of affiliation(s). Mandatory.
  • email: The email address of the author. Default: none.
  • alias: The display name of the author. Default: none.
  • address: The address of the author. Default: none.
  • cofirst: Whether the author is the co-first author. Default: false.

Default templates

The following code shows how the default templates are defined. You can override any of the by setting the template argument in the article() function to customise the template.

#let default-title(title) = {
  show: block.with(width: 100%)
  set align(center)
  set text(size: 1.75em, weight: "bold")

#let default-author(author) = {
  super(author.insts.map(it => str(it)).join(","))
  if author.corresponding {
      Corresponding author. Address: #author.address.
      #if author.email != none {
        [Email: #underline(author.email).]
  if author.cofirst == "thefirst" {
  } else if author.cofirst == "cofirst" {
    locate(loc => query(footnote.where(body: [cofirst-author-mark]), loc).last())

#let default-affiliation(id, address) = {
  set text(size: 0.8em)

#let default-author-info(authors, affiliations) = {
    show: block.with(width: 100%)
    authors.map(it => default-author(it)).join(", ")
    show: block.with(width: 100%)
    set par(leading: 0.4em)
    affiliations.keys().enumerate().map(((ik, key)) => {
      default-affiliation(ik, affiliations.at(key))

#let default-abstract(abstract, keywords) = {
  // Abstract and keyword block
  if abstract != [] {
      dir: ttb,
      spacing: 1em,
      ], if keywords.len() > 0 {
        text(weight: "bold", [Key words: ])
        text([#keywords.join([; ]).])
      } else {none} )

#let default-bibliography(bib) = {
  show bibliography: set text(1em)
  show bibliography: set par(first-line-indent: 0em)
  set bibliography(title: [References], style: "apa")

#let default-body(body) = {
  show heading.where(level: 1): it => block(above: 1.5em, below: 1.5em)[
    #set pad(bottom: 2em, top: 1em)
  set par(first-line-indent: 2em)
  set footnote(numbering: "1")


See the template for full example.

#show: article.with(
  title: "Artile Title",
  authors: (
    "Author One": author-meta(
      "UCL", "TSU",
      email: "[email protected]",
    "Author Two": author-meta(
      cofirst: true
    "Author Three": author-meta(
  affiliations: (
    "UCL": "UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, First Floor, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TJ, United Kingdom",
    "TSU": "Haidian  District, Beijing, 100084, P. R. China"
  abstract: [#lorem(100)],
  keywords: ("Typst", "Template", "Journal Article"),
  bib: bibliography("./ref.bib")

Custom title

#show: article.with(
  title: "Artile Title",
  authors: (
    "Author One": author-meta(
      "UCL", "TSU",
      email: "[email protected]",
    "Author Two": author-meta(
      cofirst: true
    "Author Three": author-meta(
  affiliations: (
    "UCL": "UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, First Floor, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TJ, United Kingdom",
    "TSU": "Haidian  District, Beijing, 100084, P. R. China"
  abstract: [#lorem(100)],
  keywords: ("Typst", "Template", "Journal Article"),
  bib: bibliography("./ref.bib"),
  template: (
    title: (title) => {
      set align(left)
      set text(size: 1.5em, weight: "bold", style: "italic")

Custom author infomation

#show: article.with(
  title: "Artile Title",
  authors: (
    "Author One": author-meta("UCL", email: "[email protected]"),
    "Author Two": author-meta("TSU")
  affiliations: (
    "UCL": "UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, First Floor, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TJ, United Kingdom",
    "TSU": "Haidian  District, Beijing, 100084, P. R. China"
  abstract: [#lorem(20)],
  keywords: ("Typst", "Template", "Journal Article"),
  template: (
    author-info: (authors, affiliations) => {
      set align(center)
      show: block.with(width: 100%, above: 2em, below: 2em)
      let first_insts = authors.map(it => it.insts.at(0)).dedup()
        dir: ttb,
        spacing: 1em,
        ..first_insts.map(inst_id => {
          let inst_authors = authors.filter(it => it.insts.at(0) == inst_id)
            dir: ttb,
            spacing: 1em,
              inst_authors.map(it => it.name).join(", ")
              set text(0.8em, style: "italic")

Custom abstract

#show: article.with(
  title: "Artile Title",
  authors: (
    "Author One": author-meta("UCL", email: "[email protected]"),
    "Author Two": author-meta("TSU")
  affiliations: (
    "UCL": "UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, First Floor, 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1T 4TJ, United Kingdom",
    "TSU": "Haidian  District, Beijing, 100084, P. R. China"
  abstract: [#lorem(20)],
  keywords: ("Typst", "Template", "Journal Article"),
  template: (
    abstract: (abstract, keywords) => {
      show: block.with(
        width: 100%,
        stroke: (y: 0.5pt + black),
        inset: (y: 1em)
      show heading: set text(size: 12pt)
      heading(numbering: none, outlined: false, bookmarked: false, [Abstract])
        dir: ltr,
        spacing: 4pt,
        keywords.join(", ")