Create project in app
This Typst CV template is a streamlined version of the the Latex template Modernpro.
How to start
To test locally
typst init @preview/silver-dev-cv:your-desired-version
Use Typst CLI
If you use Typst CLI, you can use the following command to create a new project:
typst init silver-dev-cv
It will create a folder named silver-dev-cv
with the following structure:
└── cv.typ
Typst website
If you want to use the template via Typst, You can start from template
and search for silver-dev-cv
How to use the template
The arguments
The template has the following arguments:
Argument | Description | Default |
font-type | The font type. You can choose any supported font in your system. | Times New Roman |
continue-header | Whether to continue the header on the follwing pages. | false |
name | Your name. | "" |
address | Your address. | "" |
lastupdated | Whether to show the last updated date. | true |
pagecount | Whether to show the page count. | true |
date | The date of the CV. | today |
contacts | contact details, e.g phone number, email, etc. | (text: "", link: "") |
Starting the CV
#import "@preview/silver-dev-cv:1.0.2": *
#show: cv.with(
font-type: "PT Serif",
continue-header: "false",
name: "",
address: "",
lastupdated: "true",
pagecount: "true",
date: "2024-07-03",
contacts: (
(text: "08856", link: ""),
(text: "", link: ""),
(text: "", link: ""),
(text: "[email protected]", link: "mailto:[email protected]"),
Once you set up the arguments, you can start to add details to your CV / Resume.
I preset the following functions for you to create different parts:
Function | Description |
#section("Section Name") | Start a new section |
#sectionsep | End the section |
#oneline-title-item(title: "", content: "") | Add a one-line item (Title: content) |
#oneline-two(entry1: "", entry2: "") | Add a one-line item with two entries, aligned left and right |
#descript("descriptions") | Add a description for self-introduction |
#award(award: "", date: "", institution: "") | Add an award (award, institution date) |
#education(institution: "", major: "", date: "", institution: "", core-modules: "") | Add an education experience |
#job(position: "", institution: "", location: "", date: "", description: []) | Add a job experience (description is optional) |
#twoline-item(entry1: "", entry2: "", entry3: "", entry4: "") | Two line items, similar to education and job experiences |
The template is released under the MIT License. For more information, please refer to the LICENSE file.