Create project in app

Unofficial Typst template for project reports at Aalborg University (AAU). This is based on the LaTeX template https://github.com/jkjaer/aauLatexTemplates.

The template is generic to any field of study, but defaults to Computer Science.


Click “Create project in app”.

Or via the CLI

typst init @preview/classic-aau-report

NOTE: The template tries to use the Palatino Linotype font, which is not available in Typst. It is available here (direct download)

To use it in the web-app, put the .ttf files anywhere in the project tree.

To use it locally specify the --font-path flag (or see the docs).


The project function takes the following (optional) arguments:

  • meta: Metadata about the project

    • project-group: The project group name
    • participants: A list of participants
    • supervisors: A list of supervisors
    • field-of-study: The field of study
    • project-type: The type of project
  • en: English project info

    • title: The title of the project
    • theme: The theme of the project
    • abstract: The English abstract of the project
    • department: The department name
    • department-url: The department URL
  • dk: Danish project info

    • title: The Danish title of the project
    • theme: The theme of the project in Danish
    • abstract: The Danish abstract of the project
    • department: The department name in Danish
    • department-url: The Danish department URL

The defaults are as follows:

#let defaults = (
  meta: (
    project-group: "No group name provided",
    participants: (),
    supervisors: (),
    field-of-study: "Computer Science",
    project-type: "Semester Project"
  en: (
    title: "Untitled",
    theme: "",
    abstract: [],
    department: "Department of Computer Science",
    department-url: "https://www.cs.aau.dk",
  dk: (
    title: "Uden titel",
    theme: "",
    abstract: [],
    department: "Institut for Datalogi",
    department-url: "https://www.dat.aau.dk",

Furthermore, the template exports the show rules

  • mainmatter: Sets the page numbering to arabic and chapter numbering to none
  • chapters: Sets the chapter numbering Chapter followed by a number.
  • backmatter: Sets the chapter numbering back to none
  • appendix: Sets the chapter numbering to Appendix followed by a letter.

To use it in an existing project, add the following show rule.

#import "@preview/classic-aau-report:0.2.0": project, mainmatter, chapters, backmatter, appendix

// Any of the below can be omitted, the defaults are either empty values or CS specific
#show: project.with(
  meta: (
    project-group: "CS-xx-DAT-y-zz",
    participants: (
    supervisors: "John McClane"
  en: (
    title: "An Awesome Project",
    theme: "Writing a project in Typst",
    abstract: [],
  // omit the `dk` option completely to remove the Danish titlepage
  dk: (
    title: "Et Fantastisk Projekt",
    theme: "Et projekt i Typst",
    abstract: [],

#show: mainmatter
#include "chapters/introduction.typ"

#show: chapters
#include "chapters/problem-analysis.typ"

#show: backmatter
#include "chapters/conclusion.typ"
#bibliography("references.bib", title: "References")

#show: appendix
#include "appendices/some-appendix.typ"