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GitHub Repository Typst Universe

Paper template for conference proceedings in accelerator physics.

Based on the JACoW guide for preparation of papers available at https://jacow.org/.


Typst web app

In the typst web app select “start from template” and search for the accelerated-jacow template. Alternatively, use the “create project” button at the top of the package’s typst universe page.

Local installation

Run these commands inside your terminal:

typst init @preview/accelerated-jacow
cd accelerated-jacow
typst watch paper.typ

If you don’t yet have the TeX Gyre Termes font family, you can install it with sudo apt install tex-gyre.



Files inside the template folder are licensed under MIT-0. You can use them without restrictions.
The citation style (CSL) file is based on the IEEE style and licensed under the CC BY SA 4.0 compatible GPLv3 license.
All other files are licensed under GPLv3.