This page lists planned features for the Typst language, compiler, library and web app. Since priorities and development realities change, this roadmap is not set in stone. Features that are listed here will not necessarily be implemented and features that will be implemented might be missing here. Moreover, this roadmap only lists larger, more fundamental features and bugs.
Are you missing something on the roadmap? Typst relies on your feedback as a user to plan for and prioritize new features. Get started by filing a new issue on GitHub or discuss your feature request with the community.
Language and Compiler
- Support for revoking style rules
- Ancestry selectors (e.g., within)
Fix show rule recursion crashesFix show-set issues
- Function for debug logging
- Fix issues with paths being strings
- Custom types (that work with set and show rules)
- Type hints
- Function hoisting (if feasible)
Data loading functionsSupport for compiler warningsTypes as first-class valuesMore fields and methods on primitivesWebAssembly pluginsGet values of set rulesReplace locate, etc. with unified context systemAllow expressions as dictionary keysPackage management
- Fix issues with numbering patterns
- Better support for custom referenceable things
- Richer built-in outline customization
- Enum continuation
Support a path or bytes in places that currently only support paths, superseding(not yet released).decode
scoped functionsBibliography and citation customization via CSL (Citation Style Language)Relative counters, e.g. for figure numbering per section
- Font fallback warnings
- Bold, italic, and smallcaps synthesis
- Variable fonts support
- Ruby and Warichu
- Kashida justification
Support for basic CJK text layout rulesFix SVG font fallbackThemes for raw text and more/custom syntaxes
- Fix syntactic quirks
- Fix single letter strings
- Fix font handling
- Fix attachment parsing priorities
- Provide more primitives
- Improve equation numbering
- Big fractions
- Fix issues with list (in particular baselines & alignment)
- Improve widow & orphan prevention
- Support for side-floats and other "collision" layouts
- Better support for more canvas-like layouts
- Unified layout primitives across normal content and math
- Page adjustment from within flow
- Chained layout regions
- Grid-based typesetting
- Balanced columns
- Drop caps
- End notes, maybe margin notes
Expand floating layout (e.g. over two columns)Support for "sticky" blocks that stay with the next oneFix footnote issues(not all released yet)FootnotesBasic floating layoutRow span and column span in tablePer-cell table stroke customization
- Arrows
- Better path drawing, possibly path operations
- Color management
More configurable strokesGradientsPatterns
- Support for freezing content, so that e.g. numbers in it remain the same if it appears multiple times
- HTML export
- Tagged PDF for Accessibility
- PDF/X support
- EPUB export
PDF/A supportPNG exportSVG exportSupport for transparency in PDFFix issues with SVGs in PDFFix emoji export in PDFSelectable text in SVGs in PDFBetter font subsetting for smaller PDFs
- Support for downloading fonts on-demand automatically
typst query
for querying document elementstypst init
for creating a project from a templatetypst update
for self-updating the CLI
- Documentation generator and doc comments
- Autoformatter
- Linter
- Reduce memory usage
Optimize runtime of optimal paragraph layoutParallelize layout engine
- Benchmarking
- Better contributor documentation
Web App
- Smarter & more action buttons
- Inline documentation
- Preview autocomplete entry
- Color Picker
- Symbol picker
- Basic, built-in image editor (cropping, etc.)
- GUI inspector for editing function calls
- Cursor in preview
Hover tooltips for debuggingScroll to cursor position in previewFolders in projectsOutline panelMore export optionsPreview in a separate windowSync literature with Zotero and MendelyPaste modalImprove panel
- Word count
- Structure view
- Text completion by LLM
Spell check
- Change tracking
- Version history
Chat-like commentsGit integration
Project management
- Drag-and-drop for projects
- Template generation by LLM
LaTeX, Word, Markdown importThumbnails for projects
- Keyboard shortcuts configuration
- Better project settings
- Avatar Cropping
System Theme setting
- Offline PWA
- Mobile improvements
- Two-Factor Authentication
- Advanced search in projects
- Private packages in teams
LDAP Single sign-onCompiler version pickerPresentation modeSupport for On-Premises deploymentTypst Universe